How do I get my road paved?
You should contact your local Township Board and ask them to contract with the Road Commission to improve your road. The Presque Isle County Road Commision requires a 75% match from the Township or other local revenue source. Township Boards can also set up a special assessment district to fund road improvements. Some Townships have a special mileage dedicated for road improvements.
When will my road be snow plowed?
Roads are plowed according to the following priority. State Highways-ex. US-23, M-211, M-33, M-68 and M-65. Second, County Primary Roads, such as Co. Road 451, North Allis Highway, Ocqueoc Road, North Grand Lake Highway and Long Lake Highway. Local Roads to follow, such as S.Rogers Road, Green Road and One Mile Highway. Last are Subdivision roads and Dead-Ends leading to hunting camps.
Why is there more sand used then salt on our roads?
Cost is the main factor. A ton of salt costs $65.00 and a ton of sand/salt mix costs approximately $20.00 per ton. Also when the temperature is below 20 degrees salt does not work very effectively.
Why is it a hazard to plow snow in the road from my property/driveway?
First of all, according to the State law “a person shall not deposit, or cause to be deposited, snow, ice, or slush on any roadway or highway”. This is a misdemeanor violation with a possible punishment of 90 days in jail and/ or $100.00 fine. Many times when people plow across the roadway they windrows of snow, slush, or ice on the travel portion of the road, thus creating a hazard when someone drives across it.
When does road side mowing begin?
Traditionally within our county roadside mowing along the State Highways begin in late June. According to our maintenance contract with MDOT we must have this mowing completed by July 4th. Primary and local roads are then cut basically using the same order that is used for snow removal in the winter.
Who decides when the Spring Road Restrictions are placed into effect and removed?
The determination of when “spring weight restrictions” are placed into effect and removed is a combined effort between the Supt/Mgr. and Road Foreman. We take into considerations weather and road conditions within the entire county to aid in our decision making process.
How do I adopt a highway?
Contact the Road Commission office. Both the County and State offer programs in “Adopt a Highway”. A simple application must be filled out and approved before you can adopt a road. We require that litter be picked up three to four times per year.
Who pays for Road signs?
Within Presque Isle County all county road signs that are green and white are paid for by the Road Commission. The green and white road name sign indicated that this is a public road. Blue and white road signs indicate that the road is private and these signs are paid for by the property owner or residents who live along this private roadway. All other road signs, which include “stop”, “curve”, “speed limits”, to name a few are paid for by the Road Commission. A typical road sign with the post and bracket cost approximately